Monday, March 9, 2009

"Do you wanna ride my pegs?"

(Draft from last week 03.09.09, couldn't post due to computer in repair)

So 'twas a lovely weekend in San Diego. I guest DJ'ed at JazzyFatNasty along with DJ Virus & DJ Kidragon for Ms. Annie Lou's bday, who btw looked very "Hey Birthday Girl!" cute. We all enjoyed the night very much besides this one chick requesting for Jay-Z. I should really look into that "No Requests" shirt.

Or possibly a magnetic forcefield to surround the DJ booth. Yes....(rubs hands together sinisterly). Nonetheless, thank you everyone who pulled through, namely Niko, Cheryl & Irvine Co., Kristine V., Zar (Pnoy Apparel), DJ Eclektic & the Watwood Exclusives, and of course Annie Lou, Kristina L., Annabel & others. Here are some proofs of the night.
Later that weekend, a rendezvous con Niko y Eljay along the Embarcadero de San Diego. We approached what seemed to be temporarily abandoned boats and played out natural scenarios for photos only to realize the film in my Fisheye II camera had only 24 exposures. How I managed to wind it to 31 before realizing it didn't go up to 36 exp? We'll just have to see after they're developed. Here are proofs from Loreto Jamlig's glass:

And thus the title, "Wanna ride my pegs?"


  1. Dude in the back is gaining!


  2. Very Interesting photos. Jazzyfatnasty @ 923 very nice ambiance, good music. Missed the raichousness set probably by a minute.

  3. makes me want to be in SD!!! i miss you guys!
