Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Moving Forward.

Some people should never be given power. Stalin. Hilter. [My recent boss inserted here]. At the least I've learned characteristics to definitely avoid obtaining for my own well-being. I'm just sayin'.

Deep breath. Movin' forward.

Many things since we last spoke. Just to update you most importantly: Xochi is doing spectacular. She's what I look forward to when I wake up or when I get home. So far, she has learned to:
1) sit when presented a yummy t-bone-resembling treat;
2) fetch any of her various squeaky stuffed toys or balls; and
3) jump onto couches or beds, usually by the 3rd try.

That last one is of Xoch-girl and her sister, Mitchy (yes, same litter). They both look male, but the thing is... they're not.

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